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One quest ends, another begins!

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borrowed without attribution from the great sea of plagiarism that is the internet. I am ashamed.If you cast your mind way back into the days of yesterweek (two posts ago or so), you will recall that I began an epic quest for the forbidden lore of the Dragon Ninjas of the Undead.

Before embarking on my journey into the underworld to interrogate the ancient thinking machines from some bygone era, I sought the wisdom of that lovely and gracious oracle, my wife.

“Did you look on one of those back-up CDs you’re always making?”

Such wisdom! I thanked the oracle for her generous prophecy and promised to sacrifice a dozen doves in her honor upon my return.

Sure enough, the back-ups were right where she said I’d left them. And one of them even had the secret scrolls I was looking for: the master notes for the Dragon Ninjas of the Undead!

And now, with those sacred secrets in hand, I have begun a new quest: To polish this bit of forbidden flotsam into something brilliant. Something that’s not necessarily good, but definitely awesome.
