I have, in a way, arrived.
That way is my complementary subscription to Game Developer, the industry magazine for, as the title would suggest, video game developers. As an occasional developer of video games, you’d think I’d have a subscription already, but no. Apparently, I wasn’t ready. I applied, but they gave me a subscription to some IT management magazine instead. Close, but… well, boring.
I guess I could have lied on the application. Said I was CEO of “SuperAdvertiserMoneySpender Games” or something, but that’s cheating.
Last week, I got my first issue of Game Developer in the mail. It’s a small milestone, but I’ll take it.
In unrelated, I’m-still-tweaking-the-website news, I’ve updated my e-mail address in the system, so it actually contacts me to verify comments, rather than hurling such requests down the black hole at the center of DarrellHardy.com. So if you’ve tried to comment in the past but it never showed up… sorry. And if you’ve been thinking, “I should reply to this post and see if the comments are working now,” please do so — and if you don’t see your reply in day or so, feel free to ping me at the e-mail address on the “Contact” page (link on the right).